Saturday, May 30, 2009

How did I get here #1

I would start by apologizing for not posting in over a week, but it's my blog...and only 2 of you care anyways.

SO...onto more important business. I said I want to start going back and telling you all two about times in my life when I've had these WoW moments. You know...the kind that make you step back and go "how did I get to this place?" Mostly they are good, although I suppose they could lend themselves to being negative.

ANYWAYS-I though I was going to go back and post some big ones from before...and I still will soon this time next year when my life slows down. In the meantime...I had one of those moments this week, and there's no time like the present.

I got restless in Dothan early this week and headed to SIFAT to go hang out with the kids at the TP (trailer park). When I went up that way, I had no idea how much would be going on, but it made my time there much sweeter.

1st, the TP was awesome...I love the kids, and the counselors came out too, so it was great. Afterwards we did the slums for all of the field training students currently on campus learning some ApTech stuff. Then Thursday, I cooked breakfast and lunch for 20ish people. Sweet labor. I loved it.

But here's the WoW moment. Thursday night (I almost left...but I'm so glad I stayed), the Guatemalans came out for a cookout and friendly game of soccer. We were all kicking the ball around (OMG...I love soccer even though I'm not very good...I know I don't have any blog stalkers, but if some of you wander over and happen to be from Nashville and want to kick around a soccer ball with someone who has the skill level of a 4 year old...I'm your girl) , getting ready for dinner and having a great time. We break up the game...get in a circle...and pray. Suddenly I realize how AMAZING it is that I am standing in this circle, thinking about the baby calf that was just born in the next field over, with a Kenyan guy on one side of me, a kid from Jasper, AL on the other, a couple of guys from Haiti across from me, Guatemalans, Mississippians (is that a word), Floridians, a Filipino woman...and someone I used to think I loved was saying this beautiful blessing over the food, and I found myself happy for the love in his life, and unbelievably amazed at where God has brought me.

All I could think was "How did I get here?"

And the only answer I got was "I have plans for you."

*The picture is me cutting privet at SIFAT...Seriously, I love that place.


a said...

Awesome! Post another wow moment soon!
I hope you included me in your two readers... :)

Rachel said...

This is one of my favorite post(s)! I see you learned how to make your blog cute too...I love it! Will you teach me...

Lauri said...

hey pal-
I hope I am one of your 2 readers too. I love you and am so excited for all that you have before you.