Thursday, May 21, 2009

JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YiPeEE!!!!

If I could bottle up the feeling I have right now I'd be a stinkin' millionaire. And no, it's not love. It's just joy...and it's good. This huge weight was lifted off of my shoulder in the word "bye." It doesn't take much. There is contentment in knowing that things are taken care of. There is peace in acknowledging the love and living without it. My life has been so freaking amazing.
There have been about a million times in my life when I've thought to myself..."How in the name of bob did I get to this place?" I'm going to start writing about those things. Focusing on the blessing and not the ridiculous. Some cool stories to come, as soon as I sort through the memories!



lauri said...

can't wait to hear!