Friday, June 05, 2009

Court wedding #1

It's funny how we get to these places...This isn't so much a how did I get here post? But kinda. I'll classify it that way anyways.

4 1/2 years ago, I sat at a football game with Cassie & Courtney and said "silk or lace" and Court said...."Silk I think...Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would rather have a silk wedding dress than a lace one." I was talking about lingerie...and we've been friends ever since. I like to embarrass her, and she enjoys it. I know this because she is marrying someone tomorrow who does the same thing (in a totally fun and she loves it kinda way).

It has been beautiful to see her life go from dreams of the wedding and wedding night, to it actually happening. Today has been a beautiful day...and I know tomorrow will be too.

Courtney, I'm so thankful for your friendship, and love and the fact that you have Austin in your life. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads you. And tomorrow'll be hott! :)

It's just funny to think about HOW DID WE GET HERE FROM THERE. How did we get to Courtney's wedding day from the football game almost 5 years ago where we were dreaming of this day?

Pictures to come!!