Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Playing Teacher

So yesterday was maybe my favorite day ever (okay, not really, but it was a good day).

I got home @ 5:30
Made a pizza
Sat on the couch
Watched the local news
Watched wheel of fortune
Watched 2 hours of House (in preparation for the season premiere NEXT WEEK!)
Talked to Cass
Went to bed.


Tonight, I'll be @ school till 7:30, and will be doing good to be home by 8.
Not to mention that I still haven't figured out when/what I'm going to eat.

Why? Because I have open house.

Which means all my sweet parents will come by to talk about their obnoxious precious babies.
I'm glad their coming but honestly I feel like a little kid playing "school" except that when I played school, I was never the teacher. I was always the bad kid.