Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm just mad...

And I probably shouldn't use this space to vent...but it's my space. SO, if you don't want to listen to my's your warning...GO find a happy blog. May I suggest The Pioneer Woman or Darby? I'm sure they will have a happy post today.

I just feel cheated...I need to go talk to my AP about it...but right now I'm just too upset.
We talked at Bible study last night about what part of our body we have the most trouble surrendering to the Lord...Mine is my mouth. And my mouth wants to spout off a lot of unproductive things right now. I'm trying. I'm biting my tongue.

Anyways...About two weeks ago I had HAD it with my 4th period. had it. They were out of control...I was frustrated. Just not a good combination. So I went to my principal with a behavior contract.

The rules were simple:

Be respectful to the teacher (me) at all times...
Be respectful to other classmates...
Raise your hands before speaking...
Be active participators in class...
Refrain from using all electronic devices...
Come to class prepared...


The consequences where as follows...

1. A verbal warning
2. A write off to be turned in the next day
3. A referral to the office.

Now...I went to my AP...told her this...and said "Can I do this? Will you support me in this?"

Her response? Better than I could have expected...She said "Not only will I support you, but if it gets to 3. I'll suspend anyone." The 1st time - 1 day; The 2nd time -2 days; The 3rd time 3 days; then after that 5 days EVERY TIME. "

So - I of course act like this is the case. When the gets are on the second consequence...I say "I don't want anyone to get suspended...please don't get to 3...because I will send you out."

Twice it has gotten to 3. It probably should have more than 3 times. But I've been trying to save it for the kids who are really bad. BUT...Today I got back the referral on "bob." "Bob" only got 2 days ISS. I AM SO MAD. I still haven't gotten the referral back on "Adam" but I'm SO MAD.

I really want to bust in my AP's office, slam the referral on the desk and say "WHAT THE HELL?????" Way to NOT follow through AND make me look like an idiot!

Thanks to you my no longer favorite person on earth!