Friday, November 13, 2009


Maybe I'm posting a lot because I'm happy. :)

Just in a good place.

Here's the shake. (I don't know what that means?)


I love my school. I really want my kids scores to be better than anyone else's on the benchmark exams that we are taking, so that my administration will fight for me at the end of the year.
I know I'm not good. I know this is a long shot. But I don't think it is entirely impossible.

I realize that most people work themselves to death because they love their kids. And I do love my kids. But not enough to work myself to death. I LOVE MY SCHOOL ENOUGH TO WORK MYSELF TO DEATH! I LOVE MY SCHOOL! I love my school! There are just no two ways about it.

Mainly I love my administrator (who for the rest of the world on this blog will here after be known as Mrs. B. - I contemplating being her friend on facebook...I would be creeped out if I found someones blog and found out I'd been referenced...Not that she wouldn't know. I digress).

SPOILED. That's the only word I've got. Absolutely SPOILED. She's wonderful. Even if I am still at this school next year, but I'm in another house (meaning she's not my supervising principal), I'll probably cry.

Anyways. The intent of this post was to say I feel really supported today. I wrote this kid up the other day, for what I thought wasn't enough to write a referral, and he got MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FEEL SO VALIDATED!

That's all I wanted to say.

I feel validated today.