Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm done...


Sorry for the absence. 1 - I don't have a computer right now...and probably won't for a while.
2 - I've been busy 3 - S left for Colorado FOREVER (or 11 weeks...but that's almost forever right?) 4 - My kids at school have been CRAZY...They are so done w/ school...Not really, but they think they are. Which is worse.


And, I swear they are just getting stupider. If anyone ever finds this blog I am going to get fired.

I need to double block my facebook...and make sure I never put my blog address on there. Except I probably will when I go to Bolivia.


Here is an example of how my kids have LOST THEIR MINDS. I swear...sometimes I think they are kindergartners in 9th grade bodies.

Me: Class- this is a test. Do not talk. This is a test. This is the test I gave you study guides for last week. Class this is a test.
Student: Ms. already gave me this.
Me: No I gave you the STUDY GUIDE for it
Student: No, I have a thing that looks just like it but w/out the multiple choice.
Me: I know that was the study guide this is the test.
Student: So when is the test.
Student: You mean I have to take a test right now?

Does anyone even read this anymore? If there is anyone out there...comment so I don't think I'm talking to myself. I'll be more faithful when I'm in Bo-Town. I swear!


Rachel said...

Ummm...I'll still here :) And I'll be here when you go to Bolivia too!